Jeff & Ryan pause to catch their breath on this episode of MASH Matters. We’re looking back at the last few episodes, watching Memories of MASH, hearing from new listeners, looking for season seven, sending love to Rosie, remembering Judy Farrell, and totally ripping off Alan Alda’s “Let’s act out a scene written by A.I.” thing.

Send a message of love & encouragement to our friend Eileen Saki SendingLove2Rosie@gmail.com

Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen
Judy Farrell
1938 – 2023

Special thanks to Los Angeles Video Transfer Service for restoring the McLean Stevenson interview

Watch McLean Stevenson appear on The Tonight Show

Check out M*A*S*H Forever – a podcast hosted by listener Carrie G.

(not a real podcast)

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