Mail Call! Jeff & Ryan tackle another round of listener questions and voicemails in this episode of MASH Matters. Topics include fan art, listeners’ favorite Winchester moments, camp slumber parties, the final day of filming, President Hawkeye Pierce’s cabinet, and watching M*A*S*H during a pandemic. Plus, we learn where extras come from and what they’re always yakking about.

Artwork by Kyohazard Illustration
Click to purchase a print
View and purchase more M*A*S*H artwork by Kyohazard.
M*A*S*H Notes
Meet Georgia defensive back… Major Burns
Captain Tuttle has opened a new business
Read the MASH Matters interview with our Slovakian friend, Lukas Lancz: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
This actress played four different nurses on M*A*S*H
Alan Alda amazed how M*A*S*H continues to connect with younger audiences
Alan Alda discusses his new science podcast with Chris Wallace.
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Want to send an autograph request to Jeff Maxwell? Click here for the address.
Email questions, comments, show ideas, and more to MashMattersPodcast@gmail.com
Call and leave a voicemail at 513-436-4077 (NOTE: Voicemail has a three-minute time limit)