Remember the time capsule the M*A*S*H cast buried after the series ended? In this episode, we talk to the guy who dug the hole! Special effects technician Jay King joins Jeff & Ryan to discuss his time on the series. We talk about the infamous time capsule (What was in it? Who dug it up? Where is it now?) and other topics including a scary chopper ride, fighting fire on stage 9, squirting blood, blowing up tongue depressors, wrestling alligators, and how to make the O.R. smell like a hospital.

Jeff, Jay, Loretta, and Jamie

The M*A*S*H cast “burying” the time capsule

Check out Jay King’s impressive list of credits

Jay King poses with one of the ceremonial shovels he made to commemorate the burial of the M*A*S*H time capsule

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