It’s like a real-life MASH unit as Jeff & Ryan attempt to answer a new batch of listener questions… in between Ryan’s coughing fits. We discuss the most recent round of series finales, Klinger’s middle name, Jeff’s real-life cooking skills, and potential sign-off suggestions. This episode was brought to you by the letter Q. For show notes, episodes, bios, and more, visit www.mashmatterspodcast.com

M*A*S*H Notes
Read Ken Levine’s article that’s referenced in this episode.
What advice would Loretta Swit give her younger self?
TIME magazine picks the three TV finales that mattered. (Can you guess one of them?)
“Why now is the perfect time for you to watch M*A*S*H”
Errors? On M*A*S*H?! The devil you say!
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